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UN Oceans Conference Side Event

Friday 1 July, 17:30-18:45 in Side Event Room 2 (Inside conference venue - Blue Zone)

This event is organized by: Belize Ministry of Blue Economy and Civil Aviation, SIDS DOCK, and GRID-Arendal

This side event will consist of a panel discussion examining the potential of the voluntary carbon market (VCM) to support coastal communities, the blue economy, and sustainable conservation and management. In the context of the rapidly developing blue carbon market, the aim is to examine country needs in project development, enabling policy and sound governance for supporting a market with maximum benefit for SIDS.



Mr. Ronald Jumeau, SIDS DOCK Roving Ambassador for Oceans


Ms. Maxine Monsanto, Director of Blue Economy & Civil Aviation, Government of Belize

Ambassador Ilana Seid, Permanent Representative of Palau to the United Nations

Mr. Mas Achmad Santosa, CEO of Indonesia Ocean Justice Initiative (IOJI)

Mr. Luiselou Pinto, Advisor to Minister of Energy, Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, Member SIDS DOCK Executive Council

Technical experts:

Dr. James Kairo, Chief scientist, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation

Mr. Steven Lutz, Senior Programme Officer, Blue Carbon Lead, GRID-Arendal, A United Nations Environment Programme Partner

Proposed Agenda

I. Welcome and Introductory Remarks (15 min)

  • Opening by Moderator
  • Introduction highlighting the perspective of blue carbon and SIDS (setting, issues, and opportunities) via 2 expert presentation

II. The SIDS blue carbon journey – national reflections on developing blue carbon projects and envisioning a market with maximum benefit for SIDS (experiences, challenges, needs, goals) (25 minutes)

  • 4 SIDS speakers

III. Panel Discussion and Q&A (30 min)

  • Panel discussion with speakers
  • Q&A with audience

IV. Wrap Up and Conclusion (5 min)

Contact: Steven Lutz, Blue Carbon Lead, GRID-Arendal (Steven.Lutz@grida.no)