Mountain Talks – webinar series for mountaineers and guides
Mountain Talks bring together the latest perspectives on environmental & climate issues that affect the mountaineering & guiding community.
Nunataryuk is a Horizon 2020 project which investigates the impact of permafrost thaw in Arctic coastal areas on the global climate and to infrastructures and health. The project brings together many of the world’s leading experts in natural science and socio-economics for assessing the risk posed by permafrost thaw in the Arctic.
Permafrost thawing contributes to coastal erosion, which threatens settlements and local industries, posing economic threats to northern societies. But the changes are not only impacting the northern communities, but the global climate. Permafrost stores carbon and methane, which is released into the atmosphere when the permafrost thaws. Recent studies also show that permafrost contains mercury, which can enter the environment and ecosystems if permafrost thaws.
GRID-Arendal works together with all the 26 partner organisations to ensure effective communication and dissemination of the project and its results.
For further information on the project, please visit