Investigative Environmental Journalism Grants
Increasing awareness of environmental crime issues through financial support to investigative environmental journalists
There is a rapidly growing body of research within the behavioural sciences looking at ways to support and encourage more sustainable choices across a wide range of individual behaviours, from dietary choices to transport habits to energy use to recycling. Universities have a number of levers with which to promote more sustainable choices, among both students and staff, for example by altering the “choice architecture” on campuses, or by harnessing social influence and networks such as student unions and clubs. Students’ time at university is a key moment for intervention, as they are establishing habits and routines in many aspects of their lives.
The aim of this project is to support universities to develop, implement, and evaluate behaviour change interventions to promote sustainable choices through a concise, user-friendly publication showcasing examples of green nudges they can carry out on campus. The resulting publication – The Little Book of Green Nudges: 40 Nudges to Spark Sustainable Behaviour on Campus – is intended for use by higher education institutions around the world. It summarizes the evidence on what works and provides simple guidance on how to implement and evaluate behavioural interventions in a variety of contexts, to encourage more sustainable practices among students and staff.
Photo by sea turtle / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0