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Join us during UN Oceans Conference in Lisbon, June 28th, 1:15 PM-2:45 PM

Ocean governance and integrated ocean management are essential approaches to ensuring healthy and sustainable marine and coastal ecosystems, which reduce the threats from climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution, while supporting food security and strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies. Recognising their importance for human well-being and sustainable development, the UNEP Regional Seas Conventions and Actions Plans have been actively shaping innovative ocean governance around the planet, and have progressively erected comprehensive institutional, legal and implementing frameworks for sustainable management and the protection of ecosystems. Working in partnerships, which turn science into action and convene practitioners, strengthens these efforts, and connects science, policy and implementation.

This event would showcase the diverse nature of these experiences and highlight lessons learned, creating an opportunity for the ocean community to discover and work together to upscale success to new regions and new levels.

Proposed Agenda

Tuesday June 28th, 13:15-14:45, PT Meeting Center

1.5hr event, English language

Welcome and Introductory Remarks

  • Opening by Moderator - Nancy Soi – UNEP Regional Seas Coordinator
  • Welcome by Susan Gardner – Director - Ecosystems Division, UNEP
  • Welcome by Peter Harris – Managing Director, GRID-Arendal
  • Video highlighting the work of the Regional Seas on Ocean Governance issues

Campfire chat I: Learning from experiences (35 min)

Depending on the room flexibility, the audience and speakers will be seated as a group. The speakers will kick off the conversation with short reflections on their experience, and then enter into a joint sharing session lead by the moderator. If there is time, there can be questions as well from the audience during this session.

  • UNEP/MAP (Tatjana Hema )
  • HELCOM (Jannica Haldin )
  • OSPAR (Dominic Pattinson)

Campfire chat II: Looking towards the future (35 min)

Similar to the previous session, the speakers will kick off the conversation with specific reflections, and then enter into a joint sharing session lead by the moderator. If there is time, there can be questions as well from the audience during this session.

  • Abidjan Convention (Abdoulaye Diagana)
  • SPA/RAC (Khalil Attia)
  • PAP/RAC (Marina Markovic)

Wrap Up and Conclusions

The event will be taking place just across the street from the main conference venue.