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The exhibition 'Plastic action is climate action' was presented on MEA Day at UNEA-6 from 26 February to 1 March at the UNEP office in Nairobi, Kenya. The exhibition follows the different life cycles of plastics and how these relate to climate change. We must understand the linkages between plastics and the triple planetary crisis to search for solutions and minimise harmful impacts on the environment and people. The exhibition aims to promote dialogue and create awareness about the interlinkages of plastics and climate change. It includes visual arts, photography, music, interactive infographics and live performance. Artists from Nairobi performed live at the exhibition's official opening with their song ‘Pollution’.

GRID’s role and partner roles:

GRID-Arendal initiated the exhibition. We led the organisation of the exhibitions by setting up collaborations with partners: the BRS Convention and the University of Portsmouth. GRID-Arendal then developed the exhibition concept, which follows the lifecycle stages of plastics. We developed the key messages for the panels, sourced from our report: ‘Climate Impacts of Plastics: Global actions to stem climate change and end plastic pollution’. BRS Convention provided the panel photos from their photo exhibition on Plastics. The content was reviewed, edited and approved by partners. GRID-Arendal then designed the panels, including key messages, photos, infographics, and a QR code linking to relevant materials. BRS Convention and the University of Portsmouth provided materials like documentaries and relevant reports. The documentaries were shown on a screen in the booth. The performances with Kenyan artists, including musical performance and performance of the ‘Plastic Monster’, was arranged through the University of Portsmouth.

Tags: Climate Exhibition plastic

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