This project builds on the “One Health” concept, which recognises that human health is interconnected with environmental and animal health.
The Caucasus Environmental Outlook, to be published in 2023, will be a state-of-the-art report on the environmental status and trends of the Caucasus mountain region, which encompasses parts of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Russia and Turkey. It will outline existing and emerging environmental and climate change–related issues and highlight important socio-economic drivers of environmental change in the region.
The Caucasus Environmental Outlook is part of the project Strengthening Adaptive Capacity in the Caucasus, which aims to enhance regional cooperative action for the benefit of the Caucasus mountain region. The project is centered around education, networking and knowledge generation. It builds on regional scientific cooperation developed and implemented since 2013 under the umbrella of the Scientific Network for the Caucasus Mountain Region, which brings together institutions from all six Caucasus countries.
GRID-Arendal is developing the report together with project partners and national experts, using new data and advances in the field of spatial mapping. The Caucasus Environmental Outlook will enable policymakers, international organizations, academia and the broader public to better understand environmental challenges and opportunities as the region works to build a sustainable future. The project will also identify opportunities for transboundary and regional environmental cooperation and aim to foster regional dialogue in a challenging geopolitical climate by mobilizing scientific knowledge in support of sustainable mountain development.