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!!!! Applications for GRID-Arendal INC 5 Journalism Grant 2024 Now Open !!!! Application Deadline: 20th October 2024

This initiative focuses on engaging and empowering journalists, particularly from the Global South, to actively cover the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC 5) process, which is crucial in shaping a new global treaty on plastic pollution. Through a series of online workshops, targeted materials, and resources, journalists will gain the knowledge and tools needed to report on the negotiations accurately and effectively. By doing so, they will help raise public awareness, ensure transparency, and influence policy discussions. The program also aims to amplify diverse voices and perspectives, fostering a richer and more informed global debate on plastic pollution solutions.

GRID’s role in this project is to provide journalists with expert knowledge and insights into the complex issues surrounding plastic pollution and the negotiations for a new global treaty. By offering in-depth analysis, data, and research, GRID ensures that journalists have the most accurate and up-to-date information to report effectively on the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC 5) process. Our expertise helps journalists understand plastic pollution's scientific, policy, and environmental dimensions, empowering them to convey these issues clearly to the public. 

This knowledge-sharing is critical in fostering informed media coverage and driving meaningful discussions on global solutions to plastic pollution.

The next webinar is on the 24th of October.

Webinar: Covering INC-5 – Insights for Journalists

Navigating INC-5: A Journalist’s Guide to Science and Solutions in the Global Plastic Crisis

When: 24 October, 2:00 p.m. (Oslo time)
Duration: 1.5 hours

Join us for an in-depth webinar tailored for journalists covering the upcoming INC-5 negotiations—the final meeting for crafting a global treaty on plastic pollution. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to effectively report on this pivotal event, with a focus on the intersection of plastic pollution, climate impact, and emerging solutions.

Gain exclusive insights into the upcoming INC-5 meeting. Learn how to navigate complex topics like plastic regulation, climate linkages, and chemicals of concern. Leave with a clearer vision of how to craft solution-oriented stories that drive public understanding and engagement.

Register Now and be part of the conversation shaping the future of plastics reporting.

INC Plastic Treaty

The fifth session of INC is a pivotal international meeting to develop a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution. This session will focus on discussions, negotiations, and strategies related to global commitments to address the full life cycle of plastics, from production and design to recycling and disposal.

Key Areas of Focus at INC 5:

  • Global Policies and Commitments: Exploring efforts to reduce plastic pollution, including production limits, waste management, and recycling systems
  • Plastic Life Cycle: Covering the entire journey of plastics, from creation to disposal, focusing on environmental and health impacts
  • Fair Solutions: Looking at how plastic pollution affects developing countries, vulnerable communities, and ecosystems
  • Role of Businesses: Understanding how companies contribute to and can help solve plastic pollution issues
  • Sustainable Options: Discussing alternatives to single-use plastics and new, innovative solutions

Global plastic production over time

Tags: communications global plastics treaty marine litter plastics treaty INC Outreach Press

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