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In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment. 

UNEP’s environmental assessments, such as the Vital Graphics series developed by GRID-Arendal, are fundamental communication initiatives that promote the interaction between science and the various stages of the policy and decision-making cycle. They reduce complexity but add value by summarizing, synthesizing and illustrating critical environmental issues. They also identify consensus by sorting out what is known and widely accepted from what is not known or not agreed. 

Vital Graphics packages are an ideal tool for mainstreaming environmental issues, in other words, for preaching to the ‘non-converted’.

Status: In progress

Type: Global

Programme: Communications

Tags: deserts conservation indigenous peoples pastoralism biodiversity energy chemicals toxics and heavy metals Africa Arctic Caribbean Caspian Sea climate change deforestation environmental disasters forests Latin America green economy waste emerging issue land use Europe environment and health development transboundary governance water wetlands waste and material resources Central Asia GEO mining permafrost South Africa South Asia terrestrial air pollution oceans


GRID-Arendal's activities are nearly always a cooperative undertaking made possible through collaboration with partners and donors.

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