Vital Graphics
In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.
This publication highlights the concept and selected market segments relating to payments for ecosystem services. It emphasizes the role natural capital can play in both environmental conservation and in poverty alleviation, and highlights the potential benefits of ecosystem-based economic development in an accessible, non-technical manner.
Through its highly visual communications approach, GRID-Arendal aims to improve the understanding of PES and contribute to a general shift towards greener forms of economic development.
GRID-Arendal hopes this publication will be helpful for policy advisors and civil society representatives (non-government, community-based organisations and local businesses) working with community-based projects providing training in relation to ecosystem services.
Status: Completed
Type: Vital Graphics Series
Author: A. Solgaard, I. Rucevska, C. Neumann, C. Cavaliere, S. Lutz, M. Fernagut, M. Julseth
Year of publication: 2012