Arctic PASSION is co-developing and implementing an Arctic observations system that is tuned to the needs of diverse users.
Arctic PASSION is co-developing and implementing an Arctic observations system that is tuned to the needs of diverse users.
The network’s goal is to advance the blue forest approach in addressing climate change and meeting the SDGs
The ECOTIP project investigates ecosystem tipping points and their cascading effects in the Arctic, from melting ice to changing fisheries.
This special series of reports fills the need for targeted and timely information about environmental challenges.
Globally, around one million plant and animal species are now threatened with extinction...
Developing and disseminating knowledge towards enhancing wastewater management and sanitation service delivery in Africa.
Responding to the call from the UN Environment and the Global Environment Facility for innovative actions to help address climate change...
A Rapid Response Assessment to support the Global Peatlands Initiative.
This activity will develop a strategic blue carbon assessment for the West African region.
In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.
Nunataryuk is a Horizon 2020 project which investigates the impact of permafrost thaw in Arctic coastal areas .
This programme focuses on leadership issues related to natural resources, strengthen leadership and management competencies and mind-set
Capacity development to access risks in the coastal zone associated with climate change
This theme advances innovative nature-based coastal and marine climate solutions.
The project delivers products of Earth Observation data to understand and monitor changes to ecosystems.
Norwegian Infrastructure for Drone-based research, mapping and monitoring in the coastal zone
The Blue Forests Project is a global initiative focused on harnessing the values associated with coastal carbon and ecosystem services...
Reindeer herders are facing lost pastures and land fragmentation caused by industrial development and other land-use changes.
Aims to raise awareness & develop education activities for blue forests. Includes a digital learning platform & geo-referenced database.
GRID-Arendal and partners have initiated a project to provide recommendations for how to better deliver on the climate agenda.
GRID-Arendal and the University College London coordinate Many Strong Voices that brings together people from the Arctic and Small Island...
A research project funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency (2017-2020) on climate adaptation, carbon capture and long-term storage.
We coordinated development of a Rapid Response Assessment to assess critical research gaps related to Arctic coastal permafrost.
Mountains cover 25 percent of the world’s land surface, and directly support 12 percent of the world’s population living within mountain...
The Blue Solutions Initiative develops capacity and supports knowledge exchange on successful approaches to marine and coastal management.
HICAP is producing knowledge on how climate change affects natural resources, ecosystem services, and the communities that depend on them.
The project Droughts in the Anthropocene will showcase and present selected case studies from around the world related to droughts and water
The objective of the Polaris program is to respond to the evolving demands for space-based monitoring of the Polar Regions
Increasing resilience and adaptive capacity of mountain communities and ecosystems to climate change.
Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.
The Resilient Mountain Solutions (RMS) is an initiative developed and led by ICIMOD.
A series of policy assessments for different global mountain regions is being produced by GRID-Arendal and UN Environment.