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GRID-Arendal works on environmental and sustainability projects around the world. Use the filters to sort activities by type, partner, and more. 

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The goal of the project is to strengthen knowledge management capacity and promote scaled-up learning of disseminated experiences...

In progress Global

West Africa - Continuing extend continental shelves

This initiative builds on a 2014 joint submission to the UN to extend continental shelves beyond the current limit of 200 nautical miles.

In progress Global

Vital Graphics

In order to inform environmental and development policy-making processes, UNEP keeps under review the state of the world environment.

In progress Global

Environmental Crime Waste Traffic

With raising global consumption patterns the amounts of waste increases, and scrupulous waste management is threatened with the illegal...

In progress Global

Fragility, Conflict and Security

Using information from Earth Observation technology to reduce environmental and human insecurity

In progress Global

Peace building and Law of the Sea in the Pacific Ocean

This project works with 14 Pacific Islands Countries to finalise extended continental shelf boundaries.

In progress Global

Climate Leaders Training

This programme focuses on leadership issues related to natural resources, strengthen leadership and management competencies and mind-set

In progress Global

Rapid Response Assessments

This special series of reports fills the need for targeted and timely information about environmental challenges.

In progress Global

Supporting the Global Peatlands Initiative

A Rapid Response Assessment to support the Global Peatlands Initiative.

In progress Global

Marine and coastal satellite services to track environmental crime activities (MASTREC)

The MASTREC project focuses on the detection of trafficking of illegal rosewood from Madagascar and illegal charcoal from Somalia/Kenya.

In progress Global


Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.

Completed Global

Global Tailings Dam Portal Project

The Global Tailings Portal is a public, searchable database with detailed information on more than 1,700 mine tailings dams around the world

Completed Global

Droughts in the Anthropocene

The project Droughts in the Anthropocene will showcase and present selected case studies from around the world related to droughts and water

Completed Global

Green & Blue Economy

GRID-Arendal’s Green Economy Programme supports UN Environment to meet policy, modelling, capacity building and reporting goals for its Green Economy work.

Completed Global

H2020 BlueBRIDGE

Using cloud computing to analyse marine protected areas

Completed Global

UNEP IEA Guidelines

The practice of integrated environmental assessment (IEA) has evolved significantly since the last set of guidance which was developed by UN

Completed Global

Organised environmental crime in EECCA

Completed Global

Environmental Assessment Guidelines - a writing marathon

GRID-Arendal is managing the development of updated Integrated Enviromental Assessment guidelines for UN Environment

Completed Global

The Little Book of Green Nudges

A concise, user-friendly publication showcases examples of green nudges that universities can implement on their campuses.

Completed Global

Many Strong Voices (MSV)

GRID-Arendal and the University College London coordinate Many Strong Voices that brings together people from the Arctic and Small Island...

Completed Global

Blue Guardians

The Blue Guardians program is an international partnership to enhance climate resiliency for Small Island Developing States with a focus...

Ideas in development Global