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About Natalia Skripnikova
Natalia Skripnikova
Expert, Transboundary Governance and Environmental Crime
Phone: +47 99512338

I hold a master’s degree in European Studies from the University of Gothenburg. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of my studies, I developed my professional interests in international cooperation and the environment.

I gained professional experience from international organisations such as the Council of the Baltic Sea States, the United Nations University—CRIS, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. I also performed duties as a Junior Manager in a project within the framework of the ENI Cross-border Cooperation Karelia Programme.

These experiences exposed me to working with academic research, providing policy analysis and project support. The Arctic region and Central Asia have become particular areas of my regional specialisation.

In my role at GRID-Arendal, I am involved in project implementation, providing administrative support, and assisting with communication activities.

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