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Soil to Sea

24 May 2024

"Soil to Sea: Deforestation and Environmental Challenges in Madagascar’s Betsiboka River Region"

The Betsiboka River region of Madagascar stands as an example of the intricate relationship between tradition, environmental responsibility, and socio-economic dynamics. Here, traditional agricultural practices, while deeply ingrained in local culture, often clash with the imperatives of conservation and sustainable land use. The prevailing use of slash-and-burn methods for farming, lead to deforestation and pose a continuous threat to the abundant biodiversity of the region. It is a fragile equilibrium, where the need for arable land and economic sustenance collides with the need to protect the valuable forests that define this landscape.

This storymap highlights the urgency for innovative solutions that harmonise agricultural livelihoods with sustainable land management practices. By fostering community engagement, supporting alternative livelihoods, and implementing robust conservation policies, there's hope that Madagascar can find a more balanced and sustainable resolution to deforestation.

Status: Completed

Type: StoryMaps

Year of publication: 2024

Tags: Africa climate change deforestation environment and health natural resources source to sea

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