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About Georgios Fylakis
Georgios Fylakis
GIS and Cartography
Phone: +47 917 41 771

My background is in surveying and geomatics, and I am working on a master’s in Geographical Information Science from Lund University. I started my career mostly working on field surveying and later switched to computer-aided design, but what really fascinated me was spatial data problem-solving using modern GIS and programming. Working on projects related to geographical analysis in recent years helped me realise that my main interest is the environmental aspect of geographical information systems.

Working at GRID-Arendal gives me the opportunity to work with experts from all over the world and enhance my skills in geospatial technology while engaging in exciting projects that deal with the environment. More specifically, I work within the state of environment and spatial planning group, which includes web mapping, handling geographical data and creating maps and atlases.

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