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15 Mar 2023

GRID-Arendal’s Role:

GRID-Arendal designed, developed, hosts, and maintains the official website for the “Reinforcing Fisheries Governance in Guinea” project. Built with WordPress and a custom theme developed by GRID-Arendal, the website is available in both French and English, ensuring broad accessibility to a diverse audience. This platform serves as a central hub for sharing information, project updates, and research focused on improving fisheries governance and reducing illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing in Guinea. Through this platform, GRID-Arendal supports collaboration among stakeholders, aiming to enhance sustainable fisheries management and protect marine resources.

Project Description: Reinforcing Fisheries Governance in Guinea

The “Reinforcing Fisheries Governance in Guinea” project aims to strengthen the management of Guinea’s fisheries sector by improving governance structures and reducing the incidence of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The project focuses on building capacity in local communities, enhancing regulatory frameworks, and promoting the adoption of sustainable fishing practices that protect marine biodiversity and ensure long-term economic benefits.

In collaboration with local and international partners, the project is dedicated to ensuring better monitoring and enforcement of fisheries laws, improving the livelihoods of coastal communities, and safeguarding marine ecosystems. Key activities include training, research, and development of sustainable management strategies to address the challenges of overfishing and habitat degradation.

The bilingual website offers detailed insights into the project’s objectives and progress, providing stakeholders with essential tools and resources to support the reinforcement of fisheries governance in Guinea. For more information on project objectives and partners, visit here.

Status: Completed

Type: Web Solutions & Apps

Author: GRID-Arendal

Year of publication: 2023

Publisher: GRID-Arendal

Place of publication: Arendal

Tags: Guinea Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing Website Wordpress

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