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About Olivia Rempel
Olivia Rempel
Phone: +47 474 71 645

I am a Canadian journalist and documentary filmmaker interested in sustainability and environmental issues.

During my undergrad, I studied journalism and an interdisciplinary program called Environment, Sustainability, and Society at the University of King’s College and Dalhousie University. I later completed a master’s at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, focusing on documentary filmmaking.

I began my career doing logistics and communications for Students on Ice, a non-profit that brings high school and university students to the Arctic and Antarctica on educational expeditions. Later I interned for PBS NOVA, led open-source investigations at the Human Rights Center at the UC Berkeley Law School, and worked on documentaries that have screened at numerous film festivals around the world, from Los Angeles, California, to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

In September 2020 I began working at GRID-Arendal to help grow the Technology and Innovation team’s video and documentary capabilities.

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