Every couple of years UN Environment takes the global environmental temperature.
“Vital GEO Graphics” is an electronic booklet that is based on the UNEP publication Global Environment Outlook 4 (GEO-4). This is one of many publications produced within the popular Vital Graphics series – an initiative started by GRID-Arendal with the aim to promote communication of scientific findings in accessible easily readable and environmentally friendly format.
The electronic booklet is organized around UNEP’s six cross-cutting thematic priorities specified in the UNEP Medium-term Strategy 2010–20131: climate change, disasters and conflicts, ecosystem management, environmental governance, harmful substances and hazardous waste, resource efficiency – sustainable consumption and production. The strategy was designed to evolve UNEP into a more efficient, focused, effective and result-based environmental body of the United Nations better equipped to deal with the challenges of the 21st century. Delivering tangible results against each of the priorities will be the focus of UNEP’s efforts in the period 2010–2013.
Graphics from the GEO-4 assessment not only illustrate the scientific findings, which underpin the crosscutting thematic priorities of UNEP but also point out many interlinkages between them.
Vital GEO Graphics tries to make the presentation of underlying scientific data and assessment findings more dynamic by means of using modern electronic presentation tools. The publication is based on maps and graphics (some of them animated), which are associated with the story line, and video clips. Most graphics are downloadable and may be used in presentations with appropriate credit given to the source.
Target audiences include the UNEP Governing Council, Multilateral Environmental Agreements, other UN organizations, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations, civil society, scientific communities, media, the private sector and the general public. Particularly, it is hoped that Vital GEO Graphics can be used as an e-learning resource for on-line education and awareness-raising of both global environmental issues and the UNEP Medium-term Strategy.
Status: Completed
Type: eBooks
Author: Kieran Cooke, Ieva Rucevska, Valentin B. Yemelin
Year of publication: 2009
Publisher: UNEP/GRID-Arendal