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Are you passionate about reporting on environmental issues, particularly the fight against plastic pollution? GRID-Arendal is excited to announce the INC 5 Journalism Grant opportunity for 2024! This grant aims to support journalists interested in covering the crucial negotiations and developments under the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) for plastic pollution in The Republic of Korea, Busan 25th November - 1st December 2024.

This year, GRID-Arendal will be awarding five grants of up to 10,000 NOK each. We encourage journalists from all backgrounds, with a strong commitment to bringing stories of plastic pollution, its impacts, and the global negotiation process to the public.

The INC process, facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is an international effort to create a globally binding treaty that addresses the entire life cycle of plastics. The INC meetings bring together governments, scientists, and stakeholders to develop solutions to tackle plastic pollution. The INC 5 session is a pivotal moment in this journey, and we believe that strong journalistic coverage is essential to raise awareness and drive meaningful change.

Key Dates

  • Application Deadline: 20th October 2024

  • Grant Recipients Announced: 25th October 2024

If you're a journalist with a drive to make an impact, apply now to help bring the stories of INC 5 to the forefront. Let's work together to amplify the voices that matter in the global fight against plastic pollution.

[Apply Here]

More information oMedia Empowerment for Global Plastic Treaty Negotiations (INC 5)

More Information on the INC Process: Learn more about the INC's important work to tackle plastic pollution: UNEP - INC Process for Plastic Pollution

Release date: 08 Oct 2024

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