Abu Dhabi Blue Carbon Demonstration Project
Improving the understanding of carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services that coastal and marine ecosystems provide in Abu Dhabi.
This UN Environment/GRID- Arendal publication highlights practical ways to communicate the importance of ecosystem-based management. Ecosystem-based management looks at the entire ecosystem rather than single species. Five case studies were chosen to reflect the factors that influence communications, including how it’s being implemented, geography, entry point, target audience, messages and budget. The partners working on these case studies share lessons learned directly from their experience communicating about ecosystem-based management projects. They describe the challenges they faced and offer recommendations for overcoming them. The goal of this report is to share these lessons learned in a manner that is specific enough to explain their genesis, but general enough to be broadly applicable to other projects.
Status: Completed
Type: Monograph
Author: Maria Potouroglou, John Davis
Year of publication: 2018
Publisher: GRID-Arendal