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In progress

GRID-Arendal’s Role:

GRID-Arendal designed, developed, hosts, and maintains the official website for the Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030) project. Built using WordPress with a custom theme developed by GRID-Arendal, the platform serves as a key resource for sharing information, project updates, and research related to the SOS-ZEROPOL2030 initiative. By providing this platform, GRID-Arendal supports stakeholder collaboration and promotes the dissemination of the project’s findings and solutions, ultimately guiding the EU toward achieving zero pollution in European seas by 2030.

Project Description: Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030)

Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030) is developing a holistic zero-pollution framework to guide the EU towards achieving zero pollution in European seas by 2030. This comprehensive framework addresses the full pollution cycle from source to sea, aiming to tackle shortcomings in current marine pollution management and governance.

The project will co-design, co-produce, and co-deliver a stakeholder-led framework that provides practical guidance on marine pollution prevention, reduction, mitigation, and monitoring. This approach is grounded in best practices and emphasises human behaviour, socioeconomics, and governance. By addressing current barriers to effective pollution management, SOS-ZEROPOL2030 aims to ensure cleaner and healthier seas, which are critical to providing the ecosystem services upon which our survival and well-being depend.

Marine pollution is a global environmental and socio-economic challenge that requires urgent action. SOS-ZEROPOL2030 integrates sustainability-focused agendas and circular economy principles, helping to eliminate emissions and reduce the impact of marine pollution. The project acknowledges that these efforts will have both positive and negative consequences for numerous economic sectors and that collaboration across stakeholder groups and regions is essential to its success.

Funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme (Grant Agreement No. 101060213), the overall aim of SOS-ZEROPOL2030 is to deliver a zero pollution framework that will contribute to cleaner European seas by 2030. For more details about the project’s objectives and partners, visit here.

Status: In progress

Type: Web Solutions & Apps

Author: GRID-Arendal

Year of publication: 2023

Publisher: GRID-Arendal

Place of publication: Arendal

Tags: PFAS plastic pollution Website Wordpress

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