NBFN: De ti viktigste trendene fra 2023
2023 ble nok et rekordår for global oppvarming, tap av biologisk mangfold og naturkatastrofer, med store konsekvenser for samfunn og miljø
My educational background is multimedia technology and design. I developed a passion for media and digital devices early, and now my biggest interests are web development and photography.
After I completed my bachelor's degree, I travelled to Bergen and co-founded a company that offered digital solutions. It was a small company with a few motivated like-minded people. During this stay I also worked as a photojournalist, and it was in this field I found my passion for contribution through knowledge. My experiences in Bergen eventually persuaded me to start on my master’s in Educational Technology and Media, and I eventually discovered GRID-Arendal through my university network.
My main responsibilities at GRID-Arendal are development and management of the digital systems, and continuous contributions to the organization's technical knowledge and expertise.