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05 Apr 2023

GRID-Arendal’s Role:

GRID-Arendal plays a pivotal role in the CAMCA Project by designing, developing, hosting, and maintaining the official CAMCA website. Built using WordPress and a custom theme developed by GRID-Arendal, this website serves as a platform to share vital information, updates, and resources related to CAMCA’s work. It showcases the collaborative efforts of all project partners while promoting engagement and awareness of climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in Central Asia.

The CAMCA Project Website

The CAMCA Project (Conservation and Adaptation in Mountain Central Asia) is a collaborative initiative involving national, regional, and international partners working to promote climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. The project focuses on protecting flagship mountain and migratory species such as the snow leopard, argali sheep, Asiatic ibex, Tien Shan maral, Bukhara deer, and Himalayan brown bear, as well as supporting the ecosystems and communities they depend on. Through strategic partnerships, CAMCA addresses the threats posed by climate change and other environmental challenges, aiming to build resilience in both wildlife and human populations.

The project’s efforts include strengthening the capacity of local communities, enhancing biodiversity monitoring, improving landscape management practices, and ensuring the sustainability of mountain ecosystems under changing climatic conditions. The CAMCA initiative integrates the expertise of conservationists, climate scientists, local governments, and NGOs to develop and implement effective solutions across the region. More information about the project’s partners can be found here.

Status: Completed

Type: Web Solutions & Apps

Author: GRID-Arendal

Year of publication: 2023

Publisher: GRID-Arendal

Place of publication: Arendal

Tags: CAMCA Website Wordpress

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