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About Tiina Kurvits
Tiina Kurvits
Senior Specialist, Ecosystem Management
Phone: +1 (613) 262-3395

My lifelong passion for our natural world from a very young age led me to pursue degrees in Wildlife Biology from the University of Guelph and Environmental Studies from York University in Toronto. Working in environmental education, research, and government policy and regulation, my overall interest has always been to provide the information we need to help protect our shared environment.

Since joining GRID-Arendal in 2002, I’ve worked on a variety of projects including climate change, ecosystem management, food security, and biodiversity conservation. While based in Ottawa, Canada, my work takes me from the oceans and coasts to the mountains and the Arctic. As a project manager, I have the privilege of working with teams of dedicated co-workers and inspiring partners from around the world on some of the greatest environmental challenges of our time. Because these problems require solutions from many places, I have a particular interest in engaging with local communities and integrating the knowledge that they have to offer.  

I am currently managing the GEF-funded project "Addressing Marine Litter - A Systemic Approach" and the GEF Blue Forests project (standardised methodologies for carbon accounting and ecosystem services valuation of blue forests).

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