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Connecting to find solutions - GRID-Arendal Annual Report 2023

15 Apr 2024

For every problem, whether consciously or not, we seek to find solutions. At GRID-Arendal, our greatest “problem” to solve is the triple planetary crisis and the challenges we face when it comes to the impact of humans on our environment. But coming up with solutions is not a solo effort. Connecting is key, and the best way to find solutions without needing to re-invent the wheel each time is through communication. This year, we cooperated with partner organisations all over the world on topics spanning from revealing the impact of climate change on the no-longer-so-permanent permafrost, to empowering policymakers on a quest towards a plastic-pollution-free future. While there is much left to be done, GRID-Arendal has achieved a great deal this past year, and I could not be more proud of our dedicated staff working towards the solutions that may very well help save our planet.

Status: Completed

Type: Annual Report

Author: GRID-Arendal

Year of publication: 2024

Publisher: GRID-Arendal

Place of publication: GRID-Arendal

Tags: annual report 2023

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