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About Edward Hinkle
Edward Hinkle
Content Producer
Phone: +4799080913

My family and I moved to Arendal in 1999 from the US. After earning an IB Diploma, I studied communications at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, where I lived for seven years. I am an active person always looking for new experiences, new foods, and opportunities to learn new things.

I started at GRID-Arendal during the COVID 19 pandemic, and I am excited to be a part of such a diverse and amazing team. Effective science communication is vital in an age of misinformation and working for GRID-Arendal has given me a chance to work directly with scientists to present scientific information to policy makers, as well as the public. My main tasks include internal GRID-Communications, producing communications products for a variety of activities and programmes, and supporting the PANORAMA - Solutions for a Healthy Planet partnership.

I hold a BA in Communications, with honours. My focus was on media analysis, audio editing, and soundscape composition. After graduating, I worked as an office administrator at the Terry Fox Humanitarian Awards. In my free time, I enjoy rock climbing, cooking, hiking, and playing games with my friends.

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