Rainfall: In the summer, both scenarios project a 10–25% increase in rainfall over most of the basin, and exceeding 25% over the central north of the basin. RCP 8.5 results in projections with pockets of lower increase of up to 10% within the central and eastern parts of the basin. In the winter, both scenarios project a decrease in precipitation over the mountain range of up to 10%. RCP 8.5 shows a decrease extending south through the central and eastern parts of the basin. The rest of the basin will see an increase in precipitation ranging from 5–25%. During monsoon season rainfall is projected to increase by 15% and 14% for RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, respectively. Temperature: Overall, the Ganges basin is projected to become warmer in the summer by about 2°C, with a higher increase projected in the north along the mountain range of up to 3°C. In winter, a projected increase of 2–3°C is widespread across the basin, and of up to 4°C along the mountain range. RCP 8.5 generally results in projections of higher temperature changes.
Year: 2015
From collection: The Himalayan Climate and Water Atlas
Riccardo Pravettoni