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08 Aug 2024

GRID-Arendal’s Role

GRID-Arendal designed, developed, hosts, and maintains this website. Built using WordPress and a custom theme created by our team, this platform transforms scientific data into accessible, educational content for a global audience.

Blue Forests Education Website

Coastal ecosystems, known as blue forests, include mangroves, seagrasses, saltmarshes, and macroalgae. These ecosystems are vital to the health of our planet, providing crucial services such as carbon sequestration, biodiversity support, water purification, and coastal protection. However, the value of blue forests is often overlooked, even by those whose livelihoods directly depend on them, like fishermen and maritime tourism professionals.

The Blue Forests Education project addresses this gap by offering a comprehensive digital learning platform. Aimed at students, teachers, decision-makers, environmental authorities, and professionals in the media and marine tourism sectors, this platform provides education, training, and digital tools to improve knowledge and capacity related to blue forests’ ecosystem services.

By engaging with this resource, teachers can integrate the importance of blue forests into their lessons, students can be better prepared to tackle environmental challenges, and decision-makers, media, and tourism professionals can make more informed choices regarding conservation and management.

This website was developed through a partnership between the Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR), Ocean Alive, and GRID-Arendal, with funding from the EEA Grants.

Tags: blue carbon blue forests Wordpress Website education

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