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Who Knows It Feels It: A Waste Pickers' Perspective for a Just Transition

19 Apr 2024

Waste pickers from Kenya took to the stage to deliver an important message to policymakers ahead of the INC-3 negotiations for a global plastics treaty. This documentary film, produced by the Revolution Plastics Institute and GRID-Arendal, portrays the piece of carefully orchestrated legislative theatre performed in front of delegates attending INC-3, which took place 13-19 November 2023.

The interactive drama piece raised awareness of the daily challenges that waste pickers face and highlights the need for systemic change for the informal recycling sector and a just transition to end plastic pollution. It is co-developed by waste pickers together with Matthew Hahn, the Social Justice Centers Traveling Theatre, KeNaWPWA and the University of Portsmouth. This film was produced by the Revolution Plastics Institute at the University of Portsmouth and GRID-Arendal. It was filmed by Furet Films and supported through NORAD.

Status: Completed

Type: Partner Publications

Author: Revolution Plastics Institute

Year of publication: 2024

Publisher: Vimeo

Tags: plastic pollution plastics treaty Just Transition

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