Blue Carbon
This theme advances innovative nature-based coastal and marine climate solutions.
This theme advances innovative nature-based coastal and marine climate solutions.
The Mami Wata project applies and develops capacity on Integrated Ocean Management in countries of the African Atlantic coast.
Responding to the call from the UN Environment and the Global Environment Facility for innovative actions to help address climate change...
The ResilienSEA project aims to enhance the scientific expertise and management of seagrass meadows in seven West Africa countries.
The network’s goal is to advance the blue forest approach in addressing climate change and meeting the SDGs
This project is providing maps and data to support marine spatial planning in the Pacific
The Blue Forests Project is a global initiative focused on harnessing the values associated with coastal carbon and ecosystem services...
A research project funded by the Norwegian Environment Agency (2017-2020) on climate adaptation, carbon capture and long-term storage.
Using cloud computing to analyse marine protected areas
Improving the understanding of carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services that coastal and marine ecosystems provide in Abu Dhabi.