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About Mario Caña Varona
Mario Caña Varona
Expert, Ocean Governance
Phone: +47 469 44 195

I am a passionate about maps and discovering the world. This is what led me to study a BSc in Geography and a MSc in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) at the University of Seville. I spent the early days of my career doing cartography and spatial analyses for regional planning and environmental management.

I delved into the marine realm in 2014 to study the Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). Before joining GRID-Arendal, I worked as a researcher on Blue Economy and MSP projects at the University of the Azores and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography.

Since 2020, I have been working at GRID-Arendal where I am involved in, and manage, international cooperation initiatives for marine conservation and sustainable development, with a particular focus on ocean governance, capacity development and knowledge management. Examples of such initiatives are IW:LEARN, Panorama, Boosting Blue Forests, Mami Wata and Blue Solutions.

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