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About Swati Sambyal
Swati Sambyal
Capacity Development Expert (Consultant)

I am a policy analyst and expert with over 14 years of experience in resource management and the circular economy (CE), particularly in the Global South. My work focuses on shaping and implementing CE policies, piloting innovative models that integrate vulnerable communities and promote sustainable livelihoods. Some of the widely documented models I have contributed to include those in Muzaffarpur (India), Zanzibar, and eSwatini.

Before joining GRID-Arendal, I worked with UN-HABITAT Regional Office for Asia and Pacific (ROAP) as a Waste Management Specialist. In this role, I led work on resource management and CE at the India office for 3.5 years and served as the thematic expert for the regional office and headquarters. Previously, I served as the Head of the Waste Management Programme at the Centre for Science and Environment (New Delhi) for 9 years. Additionally, I have collaborated on short-term projects with institutions such as the University of Georgia (UGA), UNEP, and the World Bank DC Office.

Over the years, I have led and supported numerous development, research, and training initiatives and remain an active public speaker and writer on national and international platforms. My expertise has earned me opportunities to serve on national and sub-national committees on resource management, where I contribute to shaping policies and frameworks. In 2020, I had the honour of being recognized by National Geographic as one of the leading voices on circular economy in the South Asia region at its Circular Economy Forum held in Washington, DC.

At GRID-Arendal, I contribute to the Waste and Marine Litter Programme, with a focus on projects and initiatives related to the circular economy, plastics, and just transition. Drawing on my extensive experience, particularly in Africa and South Asia, I bring unique perspectives, foster strategic partnerships, and leverage resources to further strengthen our efforts.

As a passionate zero-waste advocate, I advise individuals, institutions, and emerging NGOs to promote and implement sustainable solutions. Outside of my professional work, I am a poet with two published collections and an avid urban farmer blending creativity and sustainability into my daily life.

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