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About Gro Njølstad Slotsvik
Gro Njølstad Slotsvik
Expert, Marine Environment
Phone: +47 488 62 433

As part of the Marine Environment team, I manage ocean and coastal projects that inform policy at the local, national, and international levels. My work focuses on the governance we need for a healthy ocean ecosystem, which is essential to human health, security, and wellbeing. My projects encompass marine biodiversity, climate mitigation and resilience, bridging the gap between research and policy. I'm particularly passionate about finding creative ways to communicate complex topics to new audiences.

My background spans research, international development, and humanitarian operations. Before joining GRID-Arendal, I managed the climate research alliance between the universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter in the UK. Prior to this, I worked with humanitarian organisations such as Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) in South Sudan and Haiti. I hold a Master's in Environment, Development & Peace from the UN-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica, and a BA in International Relations & Japanese from the University of Leeds, UK.

When I’m not in the office, you’ll find me out hiking, rock climbing, or kayaking – or parked in front of the fireplace with a sketchbook.

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