All the countries of the South Caucasus made a commitment to develop separate policy documents on climate change adaptation, either internationally or nationally. Such commitments derive not only from international obligations, but also from certain vulnerability studies conducted so far in the region. One integrated national strategy on adaptation to climate change (agreed among different government agencies and stakeholders and constructed on the basis of reliable studies), may help countries to ‘gather’ and incorporate all relevant actions into one policy document; while its provisions can be further mainstreamed in more detail into sectoral policy documents. At this stage, however, there is a still a lack of coordination of climate actions and priorities within existing policy documents. National policy papers should specifically address mountain region adaptation to climate change, especially in the context of improving ecosystem resilience. Each of the relevant sectoral policy documents should include corresponding actions regarding climate change; either concrete ones, based on existing assessments, or ones focused on finding existing gaps in climate vulnerability assessments.
Year: 2015
From collection: Outlook on Climate Change Adaptation in the South Caucasus Mountains
GRID-Arendal/Manana Kurtubadze