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GRID-Arendal works on environmental and sustainability projects around the world. Use the filters to sort activities by type, partner, and more. 

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Waste & Marine Litter
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Household Waste Management

Environmentally sound management of household waste is one of the challenges faced by national governments and municipalities.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

ICES Seafloor Litter Categorization Test

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Wastewater management and sanitation provision in Africa

Developing and disseminating knowledge towards enhancing wastewater management and sanitation service delivery in Africa.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

World Cleanup Day 2024

Arctic cities and marine litter—let's create a lasting impact!

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Marine Litter

Marine litter and plastic pollution in the ocean is affecting ecosystems, economies and societies around the world.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Marine Litter in the Arctic

Marine litter is found even in the most remote parts of the Arctic.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Support for launch of the Nordic Report

GRID-Arendal is supporting release of the Nordic Council report "Possible Elements of a New Global Agreement to Prevent Plastic Pollution".

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Intergovernmental Science-Policy Panel at UNEA 5.2

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Beach Macro Litter Monitoring E-Course

Sustainable Seas Trust (SST) and GRID-Arendal are proud to announce the launch of a free online e-learning course for citizen scientists.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

International policy development to combat marine litter

Marine litter and plastic pollution are global issues that affect the whole world.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030)

SOS-ZEROPOL2030 aims to develop a holistic zero pollution framework to guide the process towards achieving zero pollution in European seas

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Barents Sea Leadership on Marine Litter

The project aims to raise awareness, promote leadership and strengthen cooperation to reduce marine pollution in the region.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

AFRIPAC: Effective Capacity Building for Global Plastics Treaty in Africa

Aiming to empower 5 African nations to inform negotiations for the global plastics treaty by increasing knowledge, capacity & collaboration.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

The African Marine Litter Outlook Pre-Publication Event

An online event to celebrate the pre-publication of the African Marine Litter outlook

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Circular Economy on the African Continent

Working in collaboration with the African Circular Economy Network and Footprints Africa to fill the gap.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Capacity development to catalyze actions and commitments at the national and global level to reduce plastic pollution including in the marine

The project aims to achieve strengthened country capacity for the identification of sources of plastic pollution

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

GEF Marine Plastics Project

Developing a strategic roadmap to help guide the transition to circular plastic economies at local, national and global scales.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

FARE Project

The FARE project is dedicated to creating the First steps towards an Assessment of plastic Risk to the Norwegian Environment.

In progress Waste & Marine Litter


IKHAPP –International Knowledge Hub Against Plastic Pollution

In progress Waste & Marine Litter

Plastic Myths

We uncover the true facts behind these 10 Plastic Myths

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

The High Ambition Coalition to End Plastic Pollution (HAC)

The High Ambition Coalition (HAC) to End Plastic Pollution is committed to develop an ambitious international legally binding instrument...

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Sanitation and Wastewater Atlas of Africa Workshop

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Marine Debris Action Planner (MDAP)

The Marine Debris Action Planner (MDAP) is a project funded by Innovation Norway in which GRID-Arendal and SALT are developing a service...

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Reclaim: Finding the heart of the circular economy

GRID-Arendal’s Waste and Marine Litter Program aims to produce a short film (15 minutes) about waste management in Africa.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Science Policy Interface for Plastic Pollution

This project looking into the Science-Policy interface on plastic pollution in a partnership with the University of Wollongong.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Marine pollution: tackling land-based sources through multi-stakeholder action UN Ocean Virtual Side Event

Date and Time: Tuesday 28th June, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM, GMT +1 (Lisbon)

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Invitation to share information on tackling marine litter and plastic pollution through Indigenous Knowledge Systems

The UNEP and GRID-Arendal invite you to participate in a survey to collect information on tackling marine litter and plastic pollution

Completed Waste & Marine Litter


An assessment of policy and investment options for reducing plastics into the marine environment in Pacific Island Countries (PICs)

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

100 African Voices

100 African Voices Map and Documentary

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Marine litter predictive mapping

This pilot project develops a shoreline map to define coastal areas with different likelihood of accumulating beach litter.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Are you worried about plastic in your seafood? Please complete our survey to give us your views

This questionnaire aims to understand your opinion on plastic/microplastic pollution in your marine ecosystem.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter

Plastics and Climate Change: policy recommendations

GRID-Arendal and partners have initiated a project to provide recommendations for how to better deliver on the climate agenda.

Completed Waste & Marine Litter