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About Nataliia Gerasymenko
Nataliia Gerasymenko
Expert, Transboundary Governance and Environmental Crime
I am Ukrainian and proud of it. Born and raised in Kyiv, I joined GRID-Arendal in January 2024 as an Expert in the Transboundary Governance and Environmental Crime Team. I hold a PhD in Economics from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, with my thesis titled “The Regulation of Agricultural Crops Insurance System in Ukraine.”

My professional interests include agricultural policy, risk mitigation, agricultural finance, and climate change adaptation.

With experience at the International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group), my role has involved data collection, analytical report preparation, economic justifications for legislative initiatives, and the development of awareness campaigns, coordination work with stakeholders. I also provide training and consultations on agri-finance, risk management, and agro-insurance. At FAO, I coordinated the fruit and vegetable sector strategy development and implementation. In a separate project, I was responsible for calculating the National Food Loss and Food Waste Indexes for Ukraine.

As an associate professor, I taught disciplines such as Agricultural Policy and International Agricultural Business and led the Loss Adjusters Certification Programme in Ukraine.
I had the opportunity to participate in various internships provided by the Association "Amitiés sans frontières" (France), UNESCO (Poland), and the US Faculty Exchange Program (FEP).
In my free time, I enjoy traveling, singing, walking, and my passion is "escape rooms."

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