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About Mochamad Septiono
Mochamad Septiono
Expert, Transboundary Governance and Environmental Crime

I was born and raised in Indonesia before moving to Norway, with a quick stop for school in the United States in between. I trained as an environmental engineer at Indonesia’s Bandung Institute of Technology, and initially narrowed my career to focus on environmental management, consulting for planning in waste management as a researcher in watershed management. I later worked with an Indonesian NGO on environmental policy, hazardous waste/materials, persistent pollutants, and toxic chemicals management.

I hold double master’s degree in environmental science and public affairs from Indiana University Bloomington. This is where I crossed paths with GRID-Arendal initially as an intern during my master’s studies, completing a virtual internship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

After a year of remote work, I touched down in Norway and physically joined GRID-Arendal’s Transboundary Governance and Environmental Crime Team in March 2024. I love to hike, scuba dive, sing, and play video games in my free time.

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