plastics treaty
- abandoned (12)
- abandoned buildings (2)
- abandoned places (2)
- Abidjan Convention (1)
- Abu Dhabi (37)
- Acrtic (2)
- Adaptation (3)
- AerialPhotography (2)
- Aerial Photography (11)
- Africa (857)
- African (11)
- african biodiversity (2)
- agriculture (4)
- Airplane (1)
- Alaska (27)
- America (34)
- Andes (49)
- animal (4)
- animals (20)
- animation (1)
- annual report (1)
- Antarctica (217)
- Antractic (9)
- Aral Sea (2)
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- archive (13)
- Arctci (1)
- Arctic (653)
- arctic desert (2)
- arctic fox (3)
- arctic tundra (92)
- area (1)
- Arendal (350)
- Argentina (33)
- Artic Tundra (1)
- Asia (11)
- Asia Indonesia (4)
- Assessment (17)
- Atlantic (121)
- atlas (94)
- aurora (18)
- aurora polaris (18)
- Autumn (15)
- baboon (2)
- Baltic (24)
- Baltic Sea (65)
- Barents (18)
- Barents Sea (1)
- barnacle (1)
- Barnet Sea (11)
- based (128)
- bay (25)
- beach (9)
- Beach Morphology (10)
- Belize (4)
- Bhutan (2)
- Big (256)
- biodiversity (150)
- Biodiversity Blue Carbon (2)
- biodversity (10)
- Biological (11)
- bird (56)
- birds (95)
- bird site (2)
- Black Sea (1)
- Blå skog (1)
- Blue (84)
- blueberry (1)
- BlueCarbon (2)
- blue carbon (210)
- Blue carbon Integrity (1)
- blue economy (9)
- blue forests (25)
- blue solutions (43)
- Boat (1)
- boats (6)
- bog (11)
- Boiling Tundra (1)
- Bosnia (2)
- Bostwana (1)
- Botswana (84)
- broken windows (3)
- buffalo (1)
- Buildings (1)
- butterfly (2)
- cabins (4)
- CAFF (14)
- California (13)
- CAMCA (2)
- Camp (2)
- Canada (42)
- Cape Town (2)
- CAPN (1)
- carbon (232)
- Caribbean (6)
- Carpathian (9)
- caspian (19)
- Caspian Sea (85)
- Cats (256)
- Caucasus (29)
- Central Asia (2)
- Chad (2)
- challenges (16)
- Change (216)
- Chania (9)
- channels in the sand (1)
- cheetah (3)
- Cheetahs (1)
- chemicals (5)
- chemicals toxics and heavy metals (8)
- Childrens (4)
- Chile (8)
- China (2)
- Church (1)
- cities (1)
- City (4)
- Climate (340)
- ClimateAction (2)
- climate change (400)
- climate graphics (22)
- climate polar (5)
- Clouds (7)
- coast (25)
- coast; (1)
- Coastal Biodiversity (11)
- coastal ecosystem (16)
- coastal ecosystems (157)
- CoastalErosion (2)
- CoastalLivelihoods (2)
- CoastalResilience (2)
- collection (14)
- collections (5)
- Colours (21)
- Communicate (12)
- communications (26)
- CommunityConservation (2)
- composition (1)
- conservation (49)
- Continental (17)
- coral reefs (11)
- Costa Rica (3)
- cotton grass (1)
- covid19 (6)
- CPAN (12)
- Crete (10)
- crime (9)
- Croatia (14)
- Cruise (2)
- cryosphere (2)
- Cuba (1)
- Cubs (1)
- Cycles (126)
- Danemark (48)
- Dangours (21)
- database graphic maps (2)
- Dead (13)
- Dead Sea (4)
- decay (4)
- Decision (3)
- deep sea minerals (4)
- deforestation (5)
- Denmark (1)
- desert (31)
- development (29)
- Dimitris Poursanidis (15)
- disease (1)
- DJI (20)
- documentary (16)
- dogs (1)
- driftwood (1)
- drilling (1)
- drone (25)
- Drone Photography (11)
- drought (16)
- Drums (1)
- Dubai (1)
- duck (2)
- Ducks (2)
- earth (40)
- earth observation (2)
- East (93)
- East Africa (47)
- East Asia (2)
- Eastern (10)
- Eastern Europe (6)
- eBook (1)
- Ecological Network (1)
- economy (25)
- ecopotential (2)
- ecosystem (140)
- EcosystemRestoration (2)
- ecosystems (57)
- Ecosystem Services (1)
- education (8)
- educational (19)
- Egg (1)
- Elbrouz (2)
- Emerging Fault Lines (1)
- energy (144)
- Enrin (1)
- Environment (472)
- environmental (100)
- Environmental Atlas (87)
- environmental challenges (1)
- environmental crime (10)
- environmental disasters (2)
- Environmentall (20)
- Environmentall crime (6)
- Environmental Protection (11)
- environment and health (25)
- environment and poverty (11)
- environment and security (2)
- environment poverty (20)
- environment programme (77)
- Environments (68)
- environment security (2)
- Environmrnt (2)
- Environnement (2)
- Envronment (8)
- ENVSEC (1)
- Erongo mountain (3)
- Eurasia (2)
- Europe (99)
- face (1)
- fauna (872)
- Fergana (1)
- Fiji (43)
- Finald (1)
- Finaldn (1)
- Finland (20)
- fire (1)
- fish (4)
- fish carbon (4)
- fisheries (30)
- Fishguard (1)
- Fishing (5)
- FishingBoats (2)
- flags (2)
- flats (6)
- Flight (24)
- floods (6)
- flora (144)
- Flowers (4)
- foinikas bay (3)
- food (24)
- Food poduction (24)
- for (28)
- Forest (176)
- forest; (1)
- forests (148)
- forgotten places (4)
- forset (95)
- fox (2)
- Froland (2)
- Frontline (2)
- gas (168)
- Gases (53)
- gazelle (15)
- Gazelles (256)
- Gazi (23)
- GEF (37)
- gender equality (9)
- GEO (2)
- geographic (5)
- geology (6)
- geomorphology (2)
- Germany (71)
- geysir (5)
- GGEO (1)
- Ghana (3)
- ghost town (13)
- giraffe (2)
- Giraffes (5)
- Gird (2)
- GIS (42)
- GIZ (2)
- glacier (9)
- global (330)
- global assessment (8)
- global marine litter (1)
- global plastics treaty (6)
- GLOBIO project (1)
- golden hour (2)
- grabbing (3)
- Graphic (299)
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- graphicsmaps (53)
- Grass (3)
- Greece (25)
- Green (101)
- green carbon (14)
- green economy (8)
- greenhouse (4)
- Green Knowledge Centre (78)
- Greenland (199)
- green nudges (2)
- Grenada (1)
- Grid (116)
- GRID-Arendal (24)
- Grimstad (5)
- Gronn Dag (61)
- grønn dag (6)
- Guatemala (3)
- Guinea (3)
- Gulag (2)
- Gulag Labor Camp (4)
- Gullfoss (2)
- HAC (1)
- Hadadaibis (1)
- HandmadeCanoes (2)
- haunting beauty (5)
- Hawaii (28)
- Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (2)
- health (5)
- healthy environment (1)
- Heidi Pearson (51)
- Heraklion (7)
- HICAP (8)
- Himalaya (51)
- Himalayas (39)
- Hindu (32)
- hippopotamus (9)
- history (11)
- Honduras (2)
- horizontal (4)
- hotspot (1)
- House (96)
- Houses (14)
- human (6)
- hyaena (4)
- Hydrological (26)
- hydrological cycles (1)
- ice (78)
- ice age (1)
- Iceland (64)
- Illegal (5)
- Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing (3)
- imagery (2)
- Inauguration (1)
- INC (2)
- INC5 (4)
- In Dead Water (13)
- India (2)
- Indian (17)
- Indicator (145)
- indigenous peoples (202)
- Indonesia (4)
- industry (4)
- infrastructure (4)
- Institutional framework (15)
- International (33)
- Internationalship (21)
- Investigative Environmental Journalism (5)
- Invironmental (1)
- IPCC (2)
- island (150)
- Islands (67)
- IW:LEARN (5)
- Johannesburg (2)
- Journalism (1)
- Kazakhstan (2)
- kelp (6)
- Kenya (390)
- Keoladeo National Park (1)
- Khatanga (2)
- Khujand (1)
- Kibera (27)
- Kilimanjaro (2)
- Kingdom (35)
- Kiribati (3)
- Kolmanskop (14)
- Korea (31)
- Krüger National Park (2)
- kudu (2)
- kush (32)
- Kyrgyzstan (8)
- Labor (2)
- lacation (12)
- lagoon (4)
- lake (29)
- Lake Chad (2)
- Lake Nakuru National Park (7)
- Lake Spain (1)
- Land (9)
- landscape (131)
- Landscpae (2)
- Landspace (1)
- Lanscape (2)
- Latin America (25)
- Latvia (14)
- Lau Basin (2)
- Laukvika (18)
- lava (10)
- Leningradskaya River (2)
- Lenin statue (1)
- leopard (11)
- Lesvos (3)
- lichen (1)
- Lichens (4)
- life (21)
- Lighthouse (6)
- Lights (6)
- Limpopo River Basin (13)
- lion (7)
- Living (19)
- location (20)
- locations (12)
- Lodge (1)
- Lofoten (18)
- Logata River (2)
- lost places (2)
- MACBIO (40)
- Mackenzie Delta (4)
- macroplastics (1)
- Madagascar (33)
- Malawi (1)
- Mangrove (43)
- map (18)
- Maps (132)
- marine (63)
- MarineBiodiversity (2)
- marine debris (37)
- Marine Ecosystem (11)
- MarineEcosystems (2)
- Marine Ecosystems (22)
- marine environment (89)
- marine litter (101)
- Marine Litter Marine Plastic Marine Debris (1)
- marine mammal (1)
- Marine Plastic (35)
- marine spatial planning (47)
- marsh (2)
- Marshall Islands (2)
- Mediterranean (1)
- Mediterranean Sea (5)
- Meeting (1)
- Mekong (1)
- Mexico (6)
- Millennium (1)
- mining (40)
- mire (5)
- Mongolia (2)
- Morocco (5)
- moss (7)
- Moss Kommune (2)
- Mount (1)
- Mountain (9)
- mountains (135)
- Mount Elgon (1)
- Moutains (1)
- Multilateral (25)
- mushroom (1)
- Nairobi (16)
- Naivasha (4)
- Nakuru (1)
- Nambia (1)
- Namib Desert (3)
- Namibia (63)
- Narwegian (19)
- Nastional (38)
- Nation (44)
- National (396)
- National Park (47)
- national park; (1)
- Natural (15)
- NaturalDefenses (2)
- natural resources (21)
- Nature (64)
- nature reclaiming (3)
- Navigation (3)
- NBFN (17)
- Nepal (149)
- Nepla (1)
- Nest (4)
- Nettoyage (2)
- Network (19)
- New Zealand (7)
- Nights (2)
- NIMPA (2)
- Norilsk (2)
- North Aegean (3)
- North America (12)
- Northern (24)
- Northern Taimyr (1)
- North Pacific Coast (2)
- North Sea (35)
- Norway (561)
- Norwegian (16)
- nunataryuk (23)
- Observation (3)
- Ocean (122)
- OceanConservation (2)
- Oceanic (2)
- ocean management (1)
- oceanography (1)
- oceans (74)
- Ocean Wildlife (46)
- oil (18)
- Old fox trap (1)
- orangutan (1)
- Osh (1)
- ostrich (1)
- outdoor (6)
- ozone (1)
- Pacific (171)
- Panama (36)
- Panama drone (4)
- panorama (2)
- Park (86)
- Parks (348)
- Partnership (1)
- pastoralism (1)
- Pathfinder award (1)
- Payments (1)
- peatland (5)
- Peatlands (20)
- Peopel (1)
- People (97)
- permafrost (34)
- person (1)
- Peru (2)
- PES (4)
- Peter Harris (3)
- Philippines (5)
- pig (2)
- pinetree (5)
- pipeline (1)
- pirot (2)
- Planet (22)
- plant (2)
- plants (6)
- plastic (2)
- plastic pollution (22)
- plastics (5)
- plastics treaty (1)
- plastic waste (39)
- polar (124)
- Polar and Mountain Environments (80)
- polar bear (4)
- polar lights (18)
- Political (3)
- Pollutants (21)
- pollution (7)
- Polygon (21)
- Polygone (2)
- Polygon tundra (1)
- pond (1)
- posters (25)
- poverty (83)
- presentation (27)
- Products (4)
- program (43)
- Programme (8)
- Project (4)
- promotional video (167)
- protected (1)
- protected area (10)
- Protecting (21)
- ProtectOurOceans (2)
- proved area (1)
- Pump (2)
- Raet National Park (277)
- Railway (3)
- rainforest (4)
- rainforests (6)
- Rajasthan (1)
- Rapid (17)
- Recources (14)
- recoursces! (51)
- Region (1)
- reindeer (7)
- reindeer husbandry (2)
- report (2)
- Research (7)
- Resilience (1)
- ResilienSEA (9)
- Response (17)
- Rhino (1)
- Rio (26)
- Rio+20 (1)
- River (43)
- rivers lakes and streams (1)
- River Spain (1)
- road (1)
- Roads (4)
- Rob Barnes (1)
- rock (9)
- rock hyrax (3)
- Rocks (12)
- RRA (22)
- Rules (1)
- Russia (277)
- Russian (1)
- Russie (2)
- Saltmarsh (2)
- salt marsh (5)
- sand (2)
- sand dunes (6)
- sanitation (379)
- satellite (4)
- Saudi Arabia (2)
- Scandinavia (22)
- schoolhouse (2)
- sea (137)
- SeaBee (1)
- seabird (1)
- seagrass (55)
- SeagrassMeadow (2)
- seagull (2)
- Seagulls (3)
- Sea ice (6)
- sea turtle (1)
- seaweed (5)
- sector (20)
- Security (23)
- Senegal (1)
- Services (2)
- Seychelles (27)
- Sfakia (9)
- Shelf (16)
- ship (1)
- Ships (4)
- short video interview (218)
- shrimp (3)
- Siberia (15)
- Sick water (2)
- Sierra Leone (2)
- Sign (1)
- Sigri (3)
- simpleshow (26)
- Skagerak (2)
- Sky (12)
- Sledge (1)
- Slum (26)
- Small Island Developing States (2)
- SmallScaleFisheries (2)
- snow (41)
- Snow Day (2)
- snow sheep (8)
- snowy owl (2)
- soil (3)
- Solar panels (1)
- solitude (2)
- Solomon Islands (1)
- solutions (2)
- South (175)
- South Africa (27)
- South Asia (20)
- South Caucasus (2)
- Southern (98)
- Southern Africa (1)
- Southern African (19)
- South Korea (2)
- Souvenirs (1)
- Spain (35)
- State of the Environment (2)
- Station (1)
- Sterlegova (2)
- Steve Crooks (1)
- stones (2)
- storm (1)
- story map (2)
- Sturmanov (3)
- Sub-Saharan Africa (2)
- Summer (4)
- Sunset (12)
- Support (3)
- Sustainability (11)
- sustainable development goals (11)
- SustainableFisheries (2)
- SustainableFishing (2)
- Svalbard (5)
- swamp (19)
- swan (3)
- Sweden (20)
- swimming (1)
- system (30)
- systems (3)
- Taimyr (26)
- Tajikistan (1)
- Tanzania (39)
- Tasmania (22)
- Taymyr Peninsula (1)
- technology&innovation (11)
- TEDxArendal (14)
- Tehran Convention (2)
- Temperature (43)
- terrestrial (9)
- textures (5)
- Thailand (23)
- The (275)
- The Global Environment (69)
- The United Nations Environment Programme (5)
- Tidal (6)
- tidal flat (4)
- Tidal Flats (1)
- Tierra del Fuego (2)
- Tokyo (1)
- topographic maps (74)
- tortoise (2)
- tourism (9)
- tourist (1)
- Trackvehicle (1)
- Trade (8)
- TraditionalFishing (2)
- Traffic (1)
- train (2)
- transboundary governance (3)
- transport (8)
- travel photography (5)
- tree (24)
- tree; (1)
- Trees (240)
- Tromøy (3)
- Tropical (4)
- Tropical rainforest. (1)
- Troynoy (2)
- tundra (74)
- Tundra Sea Ice Russia (1)
- Tundura (1)
- Turkey (23)
- UAE (4)
- UArctic (1)
- Uganda (4)
- Ultraviolet (21)
- UnderwaterHabitat (2)
- UNEA (2)
- UNEP (50)
- UNESCO World Heritage (9)
- UNFCCC (1)
- United (44)
- United Kingdom (2)
- United States (1)
- urban decay (4)
- urban environment (4)
- urban exploration (3)
- Uzbekistan (1)
- Vanuatu (2)
- Vehicle (4)
- Vehicles (1)
- video games (3)
- Vietnam (4)
- Virunga National Park (2)
- Vital (126)
- vital graphic (18)
- vital graphics (265)
- volcano (22)
- Wadden Sea (104)
- warthog (2)
- waste (40)
- waste and material resources (16)
- wastewater (422)
- wastewater management (1)
- watchers (2)
- water (206)
- Waterfalls (1)
- Weather (3)
- webinar (5)
- WestAfrica (2)
- West Africa (26)
- Western Balkan Countries (1)
- wetland (5)
- wetlands (8)
- whale (5)
- Wildbirds (1)
- wildebeest (15)
- Wilderbeast (256)
- Wildlfile (1)
- wildlife (264)
- Windhoek (2)
- Winter (9)
- Wldlife (1)
- woman (1)
- Women (2)
- Wood (4)
- wooden doors (2)
- wooden floors (3)
- WoodWarbler (1)
- World (8)
- Worldwide (97)
- WWF (1)
- Yasuni (38)
- Yasuni National Park (48)
- yellow (1)
- Yukon (7)
- Zambezi River Basin (1)
- Zambia (13)
- Zanzibar (39)
- zebra (277)
- Zebras (1)
- zoonotic (1)