Through NICFI, the government of Norway has signed several bilateral agreements promising financial contributions to developing-country efforts to reduce deforestation. The most notable agreements have been with Brazil, Indonesia and Guyana, but funding is also being provided for countries such as Ethiopia, Vietnam and Mexico. In addition, Norway is among the main contributors to World Bank and UNEP/ UNDP/FAO initiatives on REDD+, and has contributed substantial funding to various NGOs and research institutions for their work on REDD+ and deforestation issues. In some countries, for example in Indonesia important results have been achieved through Norway’s funding, and in other countries the results so far have been more questionable. The NICFI initiative has made Norway the largest contributor to REDD+ efforts internationally.
Year: 2015
From collection: State of the Rainforest
Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal