Illegal caviar trade in the EU in period 2000-2007 The Caspian area is the world’s main producer of wild caviar (83% in 2003) and supplies the four largest markets, the European Union, United States, Switzerland and Japan. The caviar trade reportedly fell by about 70 per cent between 1999 and 2003 but there is still every reason to monitor development of the sturgeon population and keep it on the list of endangered species. However, it is not clear to what extent the temporary ban on caviar exports has boosted well established illegal domestic and international trafficking, obviously not accounted for in the official figures. To combat the illegal trade in caviar, governments around the world have agreed to a universal caviar labelling system to inform traders and consumers.
Year: 2012
From collection: Vital Caspian Graphics 2 - Opportunities, Aspirations and Challenges, 2012
Philippe Rekacewicz (le Monde Diplomatique) assisted by Laura Margueritte and Cecile Marin, later updated by Riccardo Pravettoni (GRID-Arendal), Novikov, Viktor (Zoi Environment Network)
Caspian Sea