The Yellow Sea, shared by South Korea, China and the DPRK, has an estimated 2 million ha of remaining tidal-flat, and is one of less than 10 regions globally that have “megatidal environments”. As such the Yellow Sea is a globally very rare type of ecosystem, and it forms the core staging area for an estimated 2 million migratory shorebirds in spring and a further 1 million in autumn. This represents no less than 40% of the total number of (long-range) migratory shorebirds supported by the whole East Asian-Australasian Flyway , a wide and long migration corridor stretching from southern New Zealand, through Australia, up through countries of south-east and eastern Asia, through the Yellow Sea, on through eastern Russia as far northeast as the north slope of Alaska.
Year: 2012
From album: The Tidal Flats of the Yellow Sea within the East Asia Pacific Flyway of Coastal Birds
Peter Prokosch