Changes in glaciers and ice caps provide some of the clearest indicators of climate change and this highly sensitive region is profoundly effected by subsequent changes in weather patterns. The precipitation/freeze/melt cycle of
glaciers provides a constant source of fresh water and currently, glaciers store around 75% of the World's fresh water supply. Jakobshavn Glacier in the Illulissat Icefjord is the single largest contributor to sea level rise in the Northern Hemisphere and is but one of many in Greenland which has been documented to be
melting faster, doubling it’s rate of melt between 1985-2001. If all of the ice in Antarctica were to melt, the Global sea level would rise by 7m. If The same were to occur in the Arctic, the sea level rise would be by 70m. FILM:
This Icy World provides a constant source of fresh water and currently, glaciers store around 75% of the World's fresh water supply. Jakobshavn Glacier in the Illulissat Icefjord is the single largest contributor to sea level rise in the Northern Hemisphere and is but one of many in Greenland which has been documented to be
melting faster, doubling it’s rate of melt between 1985-2001. If all of the ice in Antarctica were to melt, the Global sea level would rise by 7m. If The same were to occur in the Arctic, the sea level rise would be by 70m. FILM:
This Icy World
Year: 2011
green economy