Plastic waste in remote and mountainous areas
While most people know about the enormous amounts of plastic waste swimming in the world’s oceans, the increasing pollution of remote and mountainous areas rarely makes the headlines. To shed light on this issue, GRID-Arendal and the Basel Convention Secretariat have developed a series of information resources, which provide a concise synthesis of the challenges of plastic waste management in remote and mountain regions and highlight a number of solutions across four key areas: policy, finance, infrastructure and outreach. The brochures are targeted at policy makers in national and regional governments and protected area managers, while the posters and stickers are geared to the general public.
Status: Completed
Type: Brochures and Briefs
Author: The Basel Convention Secretariat & GRID-Arendal
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: The Basel Convention Secretariat & GRID-Arendal