Final Report on the Framework Agreement for 2008–2009 between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and GRID-Arendal
The Framework Agreement between the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFa) and GA, dated 12 March 2008 is cross-referenced with a Framework Agreement the Ministry signed with UNEP. It thereby ensures that activities implemented under these agreements complement each other and are aligned with UNEP’s Programme of Work (PoW). It is the core mission of GA to support UNEP. The Framework Agreement provided additional opportunities for strategic development with an increased focus on the three main fields for which UNEP wants to use the specific competences of GA. In order to provide a complete and transparent picture as to the development of GA and its contribution to UNEP’s Programme of Work, this biennium report includes all the activities of GA and follows the guidance as requested under point five of the Framework Agreement.
This biennium report covers the earlier submitted annual report for 2008. A separate section for final reporting for year 2009 is added as well as supplementary sections for assessment of effectiveness (section 10), impact (section 11) and a summary of lessons learned (section 12). This biennium report is structured according to three programme areas of GA:
• Marine
• Regional Field
• Polar and Cryosphere (for which funds were raised outside this Agreement)
The overall goal of the three programmes is to ensure that ecosystems are valued and conserved through increased emphasis on sustainability and ecosystem approaches to resource management, and on mitigation and adaptation to climate change impacts.