Himalayan Climate Change Adaptation Programme - HICAP
HICAP is producing knowledge on how climate change affects natural resources, ecosystem services, and the communities that depend on them.
The Norwegian MFA have funded a feasibility study 2007 - 2009 entitled Hindu Kush-Himalayas climate impact assessment (HICIA). The pilot study investigated the feasibility and need for establishing a programme on adaptation and assessment of climate change in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas given scientific, institutional and political challenges in the region. The study was led by CICERO (Center for international climate and environmental research), UNEP GA (United Nations Environment Programme GRID-Arendal) and ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountain Development).
The project has revealed great need for improved coordination and involvement of adaptation strategies to too much and too little water in the region. The pilot study has successfully relied on the approach of building and strengthening existing approved channels of collaboration between Nepal, India, People’s Republic of China and Pakistan through ICIMOD and fieldwork was conducted in all countries involving 12 key institutions.
The study furthermore concludes that the institutional, scientific and technical capacity in the region is diverse, but deemed as sufficient for undertaking a large scale assessment, pending support and cooperation with a community of international scientific experts and institutions. The study has also ascertained that it is politically feasible to conduct a large scale study in the Greater Himalayan Region with ICIMOD as a legitimate and well recognized hub and coordinator of activities in the region in collaboration with relevant international expertise and the UN.
Status: Completed
Type: Monograph
Author: Björn Alfthan, Tina Schoolmeester
Year of publication: 2010
Publisher: GRID-Arendal